Digital Asset Management Horror Story
So we all have a horror story about losing something important. I mean let’s face it, technology is great, but the risk of losing something is painfully high. Whether you are trying to make more space and accidentally delete something or your computer has an accident and goes kaput nothing with technology is every completely safe. If I have learned anything over the years of being a photographer and perfecting my own system of digital asset management it is not IF you lose something but WHEN.
One day, early in my career as a photographer I was working on my computer when a co-worker dropped his coffee on my laptop! My entire life was on that computer and it was instantly gone! Needless to say I was completely devastated! I went through the whole process of trying to recover the information that had been on the computer but nothing was salvageable. The damage was done and that was that. This experience made me learn very quickly that I needed a new system. I had to make sure my files were stored safely with a backup system in place. Over the years I have taken many classes and learned whatever I could to gain knowledge on how to back up safely. Now I have a pretty great system and (knock on wood) haven’t lost anything since.
If you’d like to know more about my system then check out my Ultimate Guide to Digital Asset Management by clicking the button below.